Shining Light

Shining Light helps put GAA Pitch Locator on the map

How many GAA pitches are in Ireland? No this isn’t an ‘answers on a post card’ type of question 🙂 Here at Shining Light we have been working hard with our new customer GAA Pitch Locator! And they are ones who can answer that question. is Ireland’s only and largest pitch locater for all […]

Are You Mobile Friendly? Google Wants a Yes

Here at Shining Light, we have always seen the importance of mobile (and tablet) friendly responsive websites! And it now seems Google is a fan as from the 21st April 2015 it will be favouring websites that are mobile friendly in their rankings!

Shining Light is ‘App-Tastic!’

Well it’s official! Shining Light is ‘App-Tastic!’ In addition to providing the best marketing and IT services to our customers we are now pretty good at App design!

Ratchet 2.0, Mobile CSS Framework by Bootstrap Organisation

There has been alot of hype recently about the New Ratchet 2.0 Mobile first Framework from Bootstrap.

Welcome to our new client McCrory Engineering

The Shining light team are delighted to welcome on-board a new client… drum roll please… a big Shining Light welcome to McCrory Engineering!!

It’s Alive… It’s Alive

Well OK its not exactly Frankenstein, but we are just as happy that our new website is ALIVE!